Columns for Data Model

Equipment types

Accessed with


id: unique integer associated with the given type/tag

tag_name: this is the equip type tag associated with a class

name_long: longer, human-readable name (e.g. tag “cogen” => “Cogeneration Plant”). This is the class name you will find in the ontology

name_abbr: common abbreviated form (e.g. “FCU”, “CHWS”)

active: True if this class in the latest version of the ontology

critical_point_types: id numbers of the associated point types that are expected to be observed (look up in client.get_all_point_types())

sub_types: embedded JSON of possible forms of the equipment super-type (e.g. ‘fan’ has the sub-types ‘exhaustFan’, ‘reliefFan’, ‘returnFan’, etc.)

tags: Haystack tags associated with equipment super-type

Sub-equipment types

Accessed for given equipment (e.g. ‘fan’) with

sub_type = pd.DataFrame(equip_type[equip_type.tag_name == 'fan']['sub_types'].item())

id: unique integer associated with the given type/tag

equipment_type_id: id of the associated equipment tag in client.get_equipment_types()

tag_name: this is the sub-equip type tag associated with a class

name_long: longer, human-readable name. This is the class name you will find in the ontology.

name_abbr: common abbreviated form

Point types

Accessed with


id: unique integer associated with the given type/tag

tag_name: human-readable name. This is the class name you will find in the ontology.

active: True if this class in the latest version of the ontology

measurement_id: id of the associated measurement type accessed as documented below

tags: Haystack tags associated with point type

Unit types

Accessed with


id: unique integer associated with the given type/tag

name_long: human-readable unit name (e.g. ‘Cubic Meter per Hour’)

name_abbr: abbreviated form (e.g. ‘m3/h’)

data_type: form of associated data. Can be ‘Binary’, ‘Continuous’, ‘Enum’, ‘None’, or ‘Ordinal’

raw_encoding: for Binary and Enum data types, contains dictionary matching number to interpretation.

display_encoding: for Binary and Enum data types, contains dictionary showing how each reported number will be displayed. E.g., a 0 from an Occupancy sensor will be reported as ‘Unoccupied’.

qudt: url for additional information about unit (e.g. ‘Degrees Celsius’) on

unit_type: url for additional information about measurement type (e.g. ‘Temperature’) on

Measurement types

Accessed with


id: unique integer associated with the given measurement types

name: name of measurement type

default_unit_id: id of default associated unit type in client.get_all_units(). Note, pandas will cast this column as a float, but it can still be used to look up id

units_convertible: True if units of this measurement type can be interchangeably converted (generally True for continuous measurement types)

units: embedded JSON of possible units for given measurement type

qudt_type: url for additional information about measurement type (e.g. ‘Temperature’) on

Tag metadata

Accessed with


id: unique integer associated with the given tag metadata

name: name of tag being described

definition: definition of tag

def_source: source of definition (either brick, haystack, or onboard)

def_url: url for source of definition (brick and haystack only)

category: category used to help sort point types in the ontology (see data model page). Can be ‘Medium’, ‘Medium Property’, ‘Point Class’, ‘Quantity Modifier’, or None

Columns for Data Extracted from Buildings

Building-Specific Equipment

id: unique integer associated with the given equipment in this building. Will be unique across all equipment in platform.

building_id: unique integer associated with the building. Will be unique across all buildings in platform.

equip_id: Name to identify individual equipment instances. Constructed as equipment name + identifying suffix

suffix: Just the identifying suffix part of the equip_id

equip_type_name: Relevant name in the ontology

equip_type_id: integer id of relevant equipment type

equip_type_abbr: abbreviation of relevant equipment type

equip_type_tag: tag name of relevant equipment type

equip_subtype_name: name of relevant equipment sub-type

equip_subtype_id: integer id of relevant equipment sub-type

equip_subtype_tag: tag name of relevant equipment sub-type

floor_num_physical: 4-digit code (see below) for floor where equipment is located. Can be integer or NaN if not available

1000: basement

1001: rooftop

1002: outside

1003: whole_buildings

1004: ground_floor

1005: penthouse

floor_num_served: 4-digit code for floor that equipment serves. Can be integer or NaN if not available

area_served_desc: Description of area that equipment serves

equip_dis: plain-text description of equipment from building documentation

parent_equip: integer id that links to parent equipment row(s)

child_equip: integer id that links to child equipment row(s)

points: embedded JSON containing associated points

tags: Haystack tags associated with equipment

Building-Specific Points

id: unique integer associated with the given point in this building. Will be unique across all points in platform.

building_id: unique integer associated with the building. Will be unique across all buildings in platform.

last_updated: Unix-formatted timestamp of most recent value reported from point

first_updated: Unix-formatted timestamp of earliest value reported from point

name: raw sensor metadata (from BACnet scan)

description: alternate location for raw sensor metadata (from BACnet scan)

units: Matches to unit abbreviation in units table

raw_unit_id: unit id as it appears when accessing unit types

value: Most recent reported value for point (from BACnet scan)

type: name of point type in the ontology

point_type_id: point type name as it appears when accessing point types

measurement_id: measurement type id as it appears when accessing measurement types

state_text: mapping between each state and text description of state

equip_id: unique integer associated with the associated equipment

Site-Level Data

Accessed with


id: Unique ID generated for a new site (primary key for the Site Table)

name: Site name

sq_ft: Total square-footage of the site address

equip_count: Number of equipment instances associated with the building

point_count: Number of points associated with the building Site’s main ownership organization

info.floors: Number of floors associated with the site’s square footage

info.m2fend: Site scheduled weekday closing time

info.satend: Site scheduled Saturday closing time

info.sunend: Site scheduled Sunday closing time

info.geoCity: Name of the city where the site is located

info.geoState: Name of the state where the site is located (e.g. New York)

info.m2fstart: Site scheduled weekday opening time

info.satstart: Site scheduled Saturday opening time

info.sunstart: Site scheduled Sunday opening time

info.geoCountry: Name of the country where the site is located

info.weatherRef: The source of weather data